“Real Reach Radio” is the brother station to its home hub “DO YOUR HOMEWORK MEDIA.”

It will maintain a feeling of responsibility & Acknowledgement for those who are in unity for a voice of Change.

Real Reach Radio is the Mecca for being informed and aware of both the hardships and abilities of those who are locked away in the prison system.

We will feature LIVE CALL IN’S from those convicted as well as their families on both “DO YOUR HOMEWORK MEDIA” & “REAL REACH RADIO” live radio shows.

All ARTWORK, POETRY, PHOTOS, AND PERSONAL BIOS will be by Men or Women held in the system who have decided to use their influence & leadership skills to talk to the youth within various communities as it relates to the consequences of violence & Crime.

These first hand voices and experiences will be validating to youth and teenage adults as the travel in the tense times of today.